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CHARM 2023
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I can't remember my password!
Please click the Forgot Your Password? button on the log in page to send yourself an email with a link to reset it.
The email will come from

Do I need to download specific software to watch the On Demand content?
Google Chrome is the recommended browser for this platform. If you typically use another such as Microsoft Edge or Safari, we recommend that you download Google Chrome.

What device should I use to watch?
We recommend that you watch the recordings via a desktop or laptop that has good speakers. Mobile devices are supported but the best experience will be through the desktop or laptop.

How do I watch the On Demand content?
First you must ensure you are logged in to the account you registered with. Please log in here:
You can tell you have logged in successfully if you can see your initials/profile photo in a box in the top right corner of the page.
Once you're logged in, click either of the Watch On Demand buttons to be taken to this page.
Browse the recordings available, and click a tile to be taken to a page with the corresponding recording. For example: